Samuel Hatton on Life, Love, and Miscellaneous Wisdom: About


Note: Everything in this "About" section are things that my colleagues over at Endsight have said about me.

I've been told that I have a rare ability to take on the entire life-cycle of a project from idea generation all the way to actionable steps to final details.

I have a life plan. For me, life is meant to be lived on purpose. Though I've mapped out the next few years of my life, I'm constantly revising it, moving on it, and helping others do the same.

I am a sucker for professional growth. If I'm not growing, I'm not content. I'm always willing to help those around me develop as well.

I also offer life coaching.

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Find me on Google+ and Twitter and introduce yourself. I'm always up for discussions and activities regarding careers, marketing, entrepreneurship, performance, and personal development.